Beginner Swim Workout From A Professional Swim Coach

Hi, my name is Dan; I am a swim coach and an NYC-based swim school owner. My blog is centered around swimming tips for beginners, where I share my knowledge and passion for swimmers of every fitness level.

In this article, you'll find the 10 best beginner swim workouts that involve swimming exercises for your whole body.

Let's dive in!
    Danila Novikov
    Hey, I'm Dan, an All-American swimmer and founder of NYC based swim school.

    10 Swimming Workouts for Beginners

    swimming workouts for beginners
    My swim workouts for beginners are written in a particular order: from a very easy, slow pace to longer distances workouts for more advanced swimmers. All workouts can be performed in the swimming pool of any length

    Tips on how to perform swim workouts:

    1. Unless stated otherwise, you decide the appropriate number of seconds you need to rest.

    2. No rest between laps means that you have to swim the number of laps without stopping.

    3. Always focus on your technique first. Don't sacrifice technique for speed.

    4. Get an appropriate amount of rest in-between sets.

    5. If you are not familiar with the swimming technique of any stroke, substitute it with the stroke you're most comfortable with.

    6. For more swim workouts, keep reading until the end :)

    Workout 1.

    4 x lap swims of your choice of a swim stroke, easy pace

    4 laps of easy kick

    2 laps freestyle swim with a pull buoy

    3 x
    1 lap medium pace freestyle

    1 lap easy backstroke swim

    Rest, repeat after every attempt

    3 x
    1 lap flutter kick at a faster pace

    1 lap easy breaststroke kick

    Rest, repeat after every attemp

    4 x
    one-length freestyle and one-length breaststroke, easy swim

    Workout 2.

    4 x
    2 laps easy swim, alternating freestyle with backstroke

    1 lap flutter kick on back

    1 lap front flutter kick

    4 laps of kicking, every third lap is at a faster pace

    3 x
    1 lap of freestyle swim, medium pace

    1 lap of easy backstroke

    1 lap of freestyle swim, fast pace

    1 lap of easy backstroke

    4 x
    1 lap sprint kick, any stroke

    1 lap easy kicks

    Workout 3.

    4 laps of easy swim, choice of stroke

    4 laps of all four strokes (1 stroke per lap)

    4 x swim with a pull buoy

    4 x easy kicks

    4 x

    1 lap at a fast pace of any of four strokes

    1 easy lap swim, maintain a perfect stroke

    2 x
    4 laps of any stroke, every lap try to swim faster

    2 x
    1 lap flutter sprint kick

    1 lap flutter sprint kick on back

    2 laps of easy breaststroke kick

    4 laps easy swim, alternating freestyle with backstroke
    swimming workouts for beginners

    Workout 4.

    4 x
    2 laps of easy swims with no rest periods, choice of your stroke

    3 x
    2 laps of easy kicking, alternating freestyle kicks with breaststroke

    4 x
    1 lap, first half of the pool at the hard pace. The rest is an easy swim

    1 lap, the second half of the pool at the hard pace

    2 laps easy backstroke swim

    4 x

    swim all four strokes with no rest periods

    2 laps of easy kicking

    4 x

    2 laps of freestyle swim, the second lap is faster

    4 laps easy swim, alternating strokes

    Workout 5.

    2 x
    4 laps of freestyle swim to warm up with no rest intervals

    4 laps kick of all four strokes with a board

    4 x
    2 laps swim each stroke per set at an average pace with no rest intervals between laps

    2 laps of easy kick

    2 x
    2 laps freestyle with pull buoy at a faster pace

    2 laps backstroke swim with pull buoy focusing on perfect stroke

    4 x
    2 laps of fast freestyle kick with fins and board

    2 laps, easy flutter kick on back

    4 laps of backstroke swim to cool down

    Workout 6.

    4 x
    2 laps freestyle swim

    1 lap backstroke swim

    3 x
    2 laps of freestyle swim with fins, working only with one arm per lap

    1 lap left arm, second lap right arm

    non-working arm stays in front for the whole time

    1 lap freestyle swim


    2 laps freestyle swim


    3 laps freestyle swim


    4 laps of freestyle swim


    3 laps


    2 laps


    1 lap

    4 laps of easy kicking with fins
    beginner lap swim workout

    Workout 7.

    4 laps swim, switch freestyle with breaststroke every lap

    4 laps of kicking with a board, the same sequence

    With fins

    No rest between laps

    4 laps of alternating any 2 strokes by laps

    Rest 30"

    4 x
    1 lap freestyle at a moderate pace

    1 lap freestyle at a fast pace

    1 lap easy swim on a back

    4 laps easy swim on back to cool down

    Workout 8.

    2 x
    2 laps of each w no rest:




    4 x
    With fins, no rest between laps

    2 lap Breaststroke swim with freestyle kick

    2 lap kick on back

    4 x
    1 lap of breaststroke swim at an average pace

    2 laps of easy freestyle swim, no rest

    2 x
    2 laps of fast freestyle kick with no rest time in-between

    2 laps of backstroke swim at an easy pace

    4 laps of easy swim, choice stroke

    Workout 9.

    Second round w fins

    4 laps of easy swim, alternating freestyle and backstroke every lap

    4 laps of easy kicking, the same way

    4 x
    1 lap fast freestyle

    1 lap fast backstroke

    4 laps easy freestyle swim with pull buoy

    3 x
    3 laps of the following strokes w no rest:





    1 lap easy backstroke swim

    4 laps of easy kick w fins to cool down
    womens beginner swim workout

    Workout 10.

    No rest in-between laps. Perform at a moderate pace.

    4 laps freestyle swim with

    20 seconds rest

    4 laps of freestyle kick with

    20 seconds rest

    4 laps of freestyle swim with a pull buoy

    4 x
    2 laps of fast breaststroke swim, no rest

    30 seconds rest

    4 laps of freestyle swimming at a moderate pace

    4 x
    1 lap of fast kick on back

    1 lap of fast freestyle swim

    2 laps of an easy swim on back

    4 laps of an easy swim to cool down

    Basic Equipment You'll Need for a Swimming Workout

    Since my swim workouts for beginners are tailored for people who just started out their journey, I kept the list of swim gear very short. It contains all the basic equipment that a beginner swimmer will need.

    Swim Cap.

    Swimming cap is not a required, but rather optional investment you can make. They make swimming workouts easier by keeping your hair away from your face. Additionally, it eliminates the drag your hair will create in the pool.
    swim workouts for beginners

    Swim Goggles.

    That's a must have piece of equipment you'll need for a swim workout. Swim goggles make it easier to navigate the directions in the pool, helping you to get from point A to point B without unnecessary stops. Besides, swim goggles can also help you to see the movements you're doing in the water and correct your swimming technique as you go.
    beginner lap swim workout


    In my structured workouts, you'll find that I use kicking sets pretty frequently; as a part of warm-up and additional strength training sets for you legs. I recommend investing in a kickboard to devarsify your fitness routine in the pool. Kickboards are inexpensive, pretty durable, and will you to work on your kick technique, as well as make a good workout for your lower body.
    womens beginner swim workout


    Fins are the most underrated piece of equipment for new swimmers, and you won't regret getting a pair for yourself. They make technique work significantly easier by enhancing the propulsive power of your kick. Futhermore, they can be used as strength training tool for your legs.
    beginner swim workout plan

    Ned more swim workouts? Get our FREE book with over 50 swim workouts!

    Our guide is written and brought to you by advanced swimmers with years of success on a competitive level. We strive to bring the science of swimming and swimming workout tips to you for FREE, so you don't feel blindfolded on your new and exciting journey