Which swimming stroke
is best for beginners?
Danila Novikov
All- American swimmer owner of Danswim
Do you want to learn how to swim but need to know which swimming stroke is best for beginners? This blog post breaks down the four main swimming strokes and aims to help you to choose the right one for you!

Let's note that there are four strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. In addition, some Institutions also include the side stroke and elementary backstroke in this list. We will focus on the four classical strokes included in the Olympics.

Which swimming stroke is best for beginners?

It would help if you started with the strokes requiring less effort and physical fitness!

Freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke are more effortless than butterfly. Therefore, you will learn the most difficult stroke last.

Both freestyle and breaststroke require you to move with your head inside the water. Therefore, you must master breathing skills to become proficient with these swim strokes.

Backstroke, on the contrary, allows you to move with your head out of the water. Someone finds it easy, while others find it more challenging.
No blueprint will work the same way for everyone. What works for me shouldn't necessarily work for you. You should find a recipe that will make sense for your circumstances.

Swimming is not precise science like math or physics. The science of swimming could and should be tailored to your particular scenario.
You improve the other strokes automatically by trying to learn multiple strokes at the same time.
By learning more than one swimming stroke, figure out which one is more manageable for you. Try learning multiple strokes simultaneously. How else would you find out which stroke is more effortless for you?!

Besides that, you improve the other strokes automatically by trying to learn multiple strokes at the same time. You are developing breaststroke by improving your freestyle and or backstroke.

You will be using similar muscle groups while swimming. Even though motion mechanics differentiate from stroke to stroke, they focus on the same goals.
All swimming strokes aim to propel you through the water by creating resistance with the help of your arms and legs. All four strokes help your body stay close to the surface if you do them correctly.

Besides that, swimming one stroke could get dull. Imagine focusing on learning how to prepare only one dish that you love. At some point, it will be delicious. However, you will miss out on trying other delicious meals.

Using this method, I have helped many adult beginner swimmers gain more confidence in the water. Try it out yourself and figure out which stroke works better for you.
I am always preaching about the significance of basic swimming skills, such as kicking, breathing, and pulling. Before learning the swim strokes, make sure you know your fundamentals. Let me explain myself so you can understand the fundamental skills' significance.

Kicking is important because:

It is one way a swimmer propels in the water. The proper form secures a better position in the water and makes your life easier.

Here are a couple of tips I would like to share to make your kick more efficient.
Slow down your kicks.
    The fewer is better concept should be applied here. Beginners tend to put too much effort into their kicks.

    It makes sense when you sprint, but you should focus on long-distance swimming instead. Remember the story about torture and hare? Be the turtle when learning the kicking technique.
      Kick with the same rythm.
        Make sure you kick with a permanent rhythm. It doesn't matter if you are learning flutter (freestyle) or breaststroke kick; you should always move your legs with the same rhythm.
          Related articles
          Mistakes to avoid when learning how to kick in swimming | Dan Swim
          Visit us here and check out our beginners guide to learn how to float in water, it is one of the most important concepts when it comes to swimming.

          Pulling is important because:

          It will get you far if you learn how to do it correctly. The proper form will help you to cover a lot of ground. Here are a couple of insights for you.
          Use your arms efficiently.
            Use the full range of your arms to create more propulsion in the water. The next time you go to the swimming pool, see if you cut strokes short.

            Whether working on your freestyle, breaststroke, or backstroke, you can add more distance per stroke, which means more efficiency.
              Relax your arms.
                Allow your arms to relax during the recovery phase. Every single swimming stroke has the propulsion and recovery phase. You must put in some effort during the propulsion phase and allow your arms to rest while recovering.
                  Related articles
                  How to move your arms when swimming. Beginners guide. | Dan Swim
                  Visit us here and check out our beginners guide to learn how to float in water, it is one of the most important concepts when it comes to swimming.
                  Mistakes to avoid when learning how to move your arms In swimming. | Dan Swim
                  Visit us here and check out our beginners guide to learn how to float in water, it is one of the most important concepts when it comes to swimming.

                  Do I need to explain the importance of breathing? :)

                  Breathing is the most natural skill we possess. We never had to learn how to do it. We had it preinstalled on our operational system.

                  However, it is not as natural when we try to breathe while swimming. Here is what you need to understand to master your breathing while swimming.
                  Breathe out while you are in the water.
                    Your lungs have a specific capacity. Learning how to let the air out of your lungs is crucial.

                    Let's experiment! Take a deep inhale and hold your breath. Now try to take another inhale on top of the previous one.

                    You can't do it. You need to exhale first! Learning how to exhale in the water before coming out for a breath will help you to master your breathing skills.
                      Related articles
                      How to breathe when swimming. Beginners guide | Danswim
                      Visit us here and check out our beginners guide to learn how to float in water, it is one of the most important concepts when it comes to swimming.
                      Mistakes to avoid while learning how to breathe in swimming. | Danswim.com
                      Visit us here and check out our beginners guide to learn how to float in water, it is one of the most important concepts when it comes to swimming.
                      Unlock the secrets of swimming and dive into your journey with a free resource designed for beginner swimmers. Our guide will help you ace the fundamentals, giving you the foundation to prop yourself forward in this rewarding sport. You can get your guide for beginner swimmers here.

                      No recipe fits everyone the same way. Find the formula that works for you. Be patient and consistent. Give yourself enough rest in between training.

                      We have a lot of helpful content for beginner swimmers. Read our blog posts and consider following us on Instagram and Youtube. Feel free to contact us anytime with any questions related to swimming.