How Long To Learn To Swim - Professional Swim Coach Explains

how long does it take to learn to swim
Danila Novikov
All-American swimmer and founder of NYC based swim school.
Hi, I am Dan, a private certified swim instructor and owner of an NYC-based swim school. I've been sharing swimming tips for beginners for over a decade. Today, I'll answer one of the most popular questions: How long does it take to learn to swim for adults and kids?

If you want to gain basic swimming skills and wonder how long it will take, this article is for you.

Let's dive in!

How long does it take to learn how to swim?

The learning process depends heavily on individual factors, including, but not limited to, developmental preparedness, physical fitness, quality instruction, pre-existing factors (e.g., fear of water), and many more. Recent research suggests that in order to learn to swim and feel comfortable on the water, a person has to go through 8 to 12 weeks of formal swim lessons.
how long does it take to learn swimming

How long does it take to learn to swim for adults?

Adults can learn the basics of swimming within a month or two. Obtaining intermediate and advanced skills in swimming takes longer. Being able to swim a mile or two can take months or years. Multiple variables are causing such a broad range.
learning to swim how long

You don't need any special skills to start learning

You don't have to be an intermediate or advanced level swimmer to make swimming your daily or weakly routine. Even with a minimum set of skills, you can swim and make swimming your fitness. The more you swim, the faster you climb the leader to the next swim level.

Check out training programs for beginner swimmers here.
learn to swim adult

Learn to swim at your own pace

Everyone learns how to swim at a different pace. What works for someone might not work for you, and vice versa. Your body complexity, physical fitness, age, and daily routine will significantly affect your ability to progress quickly.

Get A Free Learn To Swim E-book For Beginners


- Exercises to overcome your fear of water;
- Step-by-step instructions for learning basic swimming skills;
- Fundamentals of physiology and psychology of swimming;
children swimming skills

Practice multiple strokes simultaneously

There are 4 Olympic strokes, some of which will be easier to adapt, and that is normal to be better at one stroke than another. Even if you are struggling with one of the swimming styles, it is not a reason to give up on it yet. Be patient and continue improving it while working on all the strokes simultaneously.
prioritize learning to swim

Be consistent

There are 4 Olympic strokes, some of which will be easier to adapt, and that is normal to be better at one stroke than another. Even if you are struggling with one of the swimming styles, it is not a reason to give up on it yet. Be patient and continue improving it while working on all the strokes simultaneously.
how many swimming lessons

Consider private swimming lessons

Consider hiring a professional instructor to gain some advice and help. The experienced swim instructor will help you to improve your technique, which should help you to improve your swimming efficiency and help you to learn more about your form in the water.

If you are in NYC, we offer private lessons for adults and kids of all ages and abilities. We would be more than happy to offer you help in gaining water confidence & learning an important life skill of swimming under our guidance.
time swimming

Get enough practice in the pool

45-60 min 2-3 times swimming per week will set you on the right path to mastering swimming. Make sure you spend 5-10 minutes warming up in the water with a low pulse, low-intensity swimming. As a beginner, you should spend 20-30 minutes focusing on your technique and doing various swimming drills.

Keep track of your progress and record videos of yourself. It helps to work on the weak areas of your swim technique, improve it, and observe the progress.

If you are on the journey to master swimming and all the strokes, consider utilizing our free online tool. You'll get a free zoom consultation and technique breakdown with our head coach.

good instructor for swimming lessons

How long does it take to learn how to swim for a child

It certainly takes longer for kids to learn to swim than adults because of their cognitive and physical preparedness. However, kids have many advantages over adult students.

Their brain is still developing, making kids prone to absorb & learn new information faster. That's why we, sometimes, see kids learning to swim faster than adults.
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Other factors that influence kids' ability to learn swimming

Some kids learn faster, and some kids take longer to understand swimming.

It depends on factors such as age, coordination, fitness level, and the child's desire to be in the pool. It ranges anywhere from 6 lessons to years and months of learning before your kid can fully swim.

It's worth mentioning that your child's success in the pool may depend on how good the instructor is. A high-quality swimming instruction can make or break your child's swimming journey, so always check your future instructor's certifications and references.

My best advice: try a new instructor if your child doesn't improve for a long time. Or consider switching from group lessons to private instead.

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Looking for a high-quality swim instruction?

Get 10% off any swim lessons package at our swim school